Foundation Leak Repair

A basement leak causes water to seep inside the hollow voids of the masonry, creating damp walls that will dissolve water soluble elements such as calcium, lime, and other minerals, which may damage your cement.

A basement leak is most often caused when the in-ground drain around your house gets clogged. Water builds up around your house and has no place to go. As a result to the build up of water, enormous pressure on your basement walls starts to build up (this is called Hydrostatic Pressure). This pressure pushes water into the basement through cracks and joints, and most commonly through the floor-wall joint.

There are many different types of foundations and basement wall types, and as a result there are many possible solutions. One of our on-site quoting specialists must come out to identify the specific problem and propose the most effective solution.

Basement Leak Solutions

  1. Negative-side Waterproofing
  2. Exterior Excavation
  3. Interior Footing Drains
  4. DryTrak – Interior Drainage System
  5. WaterGuard – Interior Drainage System





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